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  Support Kevin in raising funds for Family Business in loving memory of his father, Frank Bednarz and his mother-in-law, Judy Johansen  

A Note From Kevin

In 2014, my Dad, Frank Bednarz, passed away after a fight with cancer. Also in 2014, my mother-in-law, Judy Johansen, was diagnosed with breast cancer. Judy recently passed in May of 2024. During each of their respective fights with cancer, both Frank and Judy showed an unwavering support for their family and friends.  In October 2024, in their memory, I will be running the Hartford Half Marathon with the goal of remembering Judy and Frank’s love for their family and friends by raising funds for Family Business, allowing them to continue supporting Connecticut families.

My wife, Melissa, and I have partnered with Family Business Inc – a local nonprofit focused on improving the lives of Connecticut families and their children. Both Judy and Frank would be proud to support an organization that positively impacts so many different people: providing meals to those with food insecurity, providing winter care packages to warming centers, literacy initiatives across community centers, and showing gratitude to our services members through their holiday “Adopt-A-Family” program to provide essential items for the family as well as toys for the children. Melissa and I have worked numerous events with Family Business and not only is it for a good cause, but each team member of Family Business is welcoming, organized, and works with great vigor to accomplish their goals. Thank you for considering a donation that will help bond families and strengthen our community. 

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